Custom Order

Let’s join in this development project! You are the architect and I am the developer.

Share your preference style and we will help you build the straps you wish for.

Have a look at these unique creation to imagine your next wishing strap.

So, just describe your dream strap below and I will present it for you



Here, you can customize your fantasy strap, from: (1) Material used, or any color Preference, (2) Size: width and length, (3) Thickness, (4) Buckle Options, or (5) Any custom request, such as: (a) choose the stitching color/styles, (b) choose the keeper color/styles, (c) add or remove a padding, (d) choose the tip style, or edges finished, (e) choose back leather color, (f) or others request

Tips: there is no need to fill all of those blank fields. Just fill in where you think should be customized, and let the rest empty. That empty field will be discussed later in private. If you want to discuss first, just fill in your name and your email. We are more than happy to assist you. 

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Website developed by Visigraphic Jasa Pembuatan Toko Online
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